Another season in the books, and it is time again to measure up every WSEM player and rate them on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, including half increments. The measure used to evaluate the offensive production of a player is Adjusted Weighted On-Base Average (Adjusted wOBA); the specific adjustment to the wOBA equation being the devaluation of walks (BB) from the MLB iteration. Every player bats, therefore every player receives an offensive rating.
Adjusted wOBA = ((0.2605 * BB) + (0.89 * 1B) + (1.27 * 2B) + (1.62 * 3B) + (2.1 * HR)) / PA
Value as a pitcher comes down to a balance of two things: dominance and consistency. Four stats were used to come up with a number to quantify this. It starts with Strikeouts per 6 Innings Pitched (K/6); the higher their K/6, the more dominant stuff the pitcher features. From that point we subtract three percentage stats: Earned Run Average (ERA), Walks and Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP), and Opponents' Batting Average (OBA). For all three of these stats, the lower the number the better. Thus, the higher their overall number, the better their rating as a pitcher.
Pitcher Rating = K/6 - ERA - WHIP - OBA
Note: Negative Pitcher Ratings are not included. Pitching can never decrease a player's overall rating; ability to pitch - if only in a serviceable capacity - can only ever add to a player's value.
Other considerations affecting a player rating:
- Small sample size: decreased value for limited playing time
- Career performance and pedigree
Remember, star ratings only directly impact the dollar value against the salary cap for captains and franchised players ($ Value = 10 * Star Rating). The ratings for all players entering the draft basically serve as an early assessment of their market value. Captains have until November 1st to franchise a player on from the current roster. Each captain has one franchise tag for his team, but may choose not to use it.
Stephen Farkas |
.457 |
13.0 |
★★★★★ |
Austin Bischoff |
.428 |
12.1 |
★★★★★ |
Evan Bischoff |
.348 |
10.1 |
★★★★★ |
Chandler Phillips |
.346 |
9.7 |
★★★★★ |
Scott Kujawa |
.288 |
12.8 |
★★★★★ |
Stephen Werner |
.433 |
2.8 |
★★★★½ |
Nathan Gendron |
.414 |
6.6 |
★★★★½ |
Evan Bortmas |
.358 |
7.6 |
★★★★½ |
Ray Brown |
.333 |
5.9 |
★★★★ |
Dennis Pearson |
.393 |
★★★★ |
Josh Nagorski |
.367 |
★★★★ |
Travis Strojny |
.313 |
6.6 |
★★★★ |
Craig Skinner |
.238 |
8.2 |
★★★★ |
Kyle Schultz |
.310 |
3.9 |
★★★½ |
Mark Brannan |
.327 |
★★★½ |
Kyle Tomlinson |
.317 |
★★★½ |
Greg Brannan |
.315 |
★★★½ |
David Castle |
.305 |
0.9 |
★★★½ |
Sam Hatt |
.172 |
11.0 |
★★★½ |
RJ Fisher |
.163 |
11.3 |
★★★½ |
Michel Bayley |
.181 |
4.4 |
★★★ |
Chris Paquin |
.293 |
0.9 |
★★★ |
Robbie Reamer |
.376 |
★★★ |
Nick Braden |
.306 |
★★★ |
Dylan Braden |
.298 |
★★★ |
Anthony Kreza |
.296 |
★★★ |
John Sharlow |
.294 |
★★★ |
Justin Smith |
.285 |
★★★ |
Michael Giguere |
.283 |
★★★ |
Andrew Bruen |
.296 |
★★½ |
Brandon Corbett |
.258 |
★★½ |
Brendun Deer |
.236 |
★★½ |
Stephen Villarreal |
.236 |
★★½ |
Dakota LaDouceur |
.223 |
★★½ |
Alex Linebrink |
.223 |
★★½ |
Kiefer Haffey |
.210 |
3.6 |
★★½ |
Kevin Doby |
.132 |
5.8 |
★★½ |
Jason Hewlett |
.215 |
★★ |
Michael Villarreal |
.208 |
★★ |
Mark Phillips |
.203 |
★★ |
David Buhr |
.198 |
★★ |
Zac Adams |
.166 |
1.5 |
★★ |
Nate Bellinger |
.166 |
★½ |
Nate Bellinger |
.166 |
★½ |
Justin Chandler |
.154 |
★½ |
Dash Fejza |
.151 |
★½ |
Jeff Bencher |
.079 |
★ |
Michael Sessions |
.129 |
★ |
Ryan Alexia |
.082 |
★ |
Jason Hollister |
.078 |
★ |